Sunday, July 22, 2018

My newest book From Elsewhere is now available on pre-order at Smashwords and Google Play

Supposedly books do better when given a pre-order period. I'm somewhat skeptical, but willing to give it a try. My book From Elsewhere, I finished last November during NaNoWriMo. It becomes available next July on the 22 (because I like the #2 :P) I plan to put it on Kindle too but Amazon wont let me set up a pre-order period of longer than three months, so I'll set it up there next April.
It's a goofy alien story.
You can check out the free samples on Smashwords or Google Play.
Once there, if you're not ready to pre-order you can check out my other 5 that are available now. The two shortest ones are even free!

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